92 players have been signed up for this competition as of 4:53 PM Sunday 15th December
Fayyaz Ahmed (Crompton & Royton) |
Rob Ainsworth (Fleetwood) |
Paul Anderton (Fleetwood) |
Peter Archer (Colne) |
John Baines (Knott End Golf Club) |
Mike Barnes (Fleetwood) |
Ian Bradshaw (Fleetwood) |
Michael Bradshaw (Knott End Golf Club) |
Roy Clayton (Fleetwood) |
Gary Coleman (Knott End Golf Club) |
Gary Cooper (Rishton) |
John Cowperthwaite (Penwortham Golf Club) |
Dave Cox (Fleetwood) |
Neil Croston (Fleetwood) |
Stephen Dickinson (Blackburn Golf Club) |
James Donnelly (10.1) |
Martin Donnelly (Knott End Golf Club) |
Christopher Ellis (Fleetwood) |
Byron Entwistle (Towneley Golf Club) |
John Evans (Knott End Golf Club) |
Christopher Fairholm (Knott End Golf Club) |
Duncan Farmer (Knott End Golf Club) |
Paul Fineman (Fleetwood) |
Stephen Fineman (Fleetwood) |
Michael Fowler (Towneley Golf Club) |
Jim Furlong (Fairhaven) |
David Garner (Birchwood) |
Gary Garner (Birchwood) |
Brian Geddes (Fleetwood) |
Dave Glendinning (Ashton & Lea Golf Club) |
Stephen Gregory (Knott End Golf Club) |
Jim Gregson (Fleetwood) |
Kevin Harris (Fleetwood) |
James Hartley (Colne) |
Mark Heatley (Pleasington) |
Daryl Holden (Towneley Golf Club) |
Steve Holden (Knott End Golf Club) |
Bill Johnson (Fleetwood) |
Paul Johnson (Knott End Golf Club) |
Jason Kelly (3.3) |
John Kelly (Knott End Golf Club) |
Dave Kershaw (Knott End Golf Club) |
Robert Lee (Knott End Golf Club) |
Dave Lovelace (Pleasington) |
Mike Lovell (Fleetwood) |
Chris Lydon (Fleetwood) |
Jim Lydon (Fleetwood) |
Brian Matthews (Knott End Golf Club) |
Adrian Mayman (Knott End Golf Club) |
Nicky Mclelland (Towneley Golf Club) |
C L A Miller (Knott End Golf Club) |
RAY MILLER (Penwortham Golf Club) |
Stuart MONK (Fleetwood) |
Jeff Moulton (Fleetwood) |
Albert Mullan (Ashton & Lea Golf Club) |
Richard Murgatroyd (Colne) |
Leslie Newlands (Knott End Golf Club) |
Andy Nurse (Fleetwood) |
Alan Orritt (Penwortham Golf Club) |
Chris Perkin (Fleetwood) |
Anthony Pitt (Knott End Golf Club) |
Gary Procter (Knott End Golf Club) |
Mohammad Rafiq (Whitefield Golf Club) |
Bill Rawcliffe (Fleetwood) |
Robin Rawcliffe (Fleetwood) |
Sam Reeves (Towneley Golf Club) |
Glenn Riches (Fleetwood) |
Mark Riding (Fleetwood) |
Kelvin Rutter (12.8) |
James Scaife (Knott End Golf Club) |
Peter Short (Fleetwood) |
Karl Simpson (14.5) |
William Smith (Fleetwood) |
Roy Stephenson (Fleetwood) |
Martyn Sweeney (Fleetwood) |
Andrew John Taylor (Colne) |
Bill Tiplady (Colne) |
James Twizell (Towneley Golf Club) |
Peter Williamson Urwin (Knott End Golf Club) |
Paul Wardle (Knott End Golf Club) |
Stuart Wayman (Knott End Golf Club) |
Anthony (Brick) Whalley (Colne) |
John Whiteside (Colne) |
Edgar Winterbottom (Knott End Golf Club) |
Carl WOOD (Bentham Golf Club) |
Paul Wood (Morecambe) |
Christopher Woolfenden (Rishton) |
Michael Wrigglesworth (Colne) |
Richard Yates (Penwortham Golf Club) |